Professional dental cleanings are your best defense against cavities, infection, and tooth loss. Parks Family Dentistry provides high-quality dental cleaning services for the whole family. Jane Parks, DDS, recommends that adults and children schedule a dental cleaning every six months to optimize oral health and ensure smiles stay bright. In addition to deep cleanings, Dr. Parks offers preventive resources like fluoride treatments to lower your risk for cavities and other dental complications. Call the Waco, Texas, office today to schedule a dental cleaning or book an appointment online.
Professional dental cleaning is a preventive service that prevents cavities and other oral health issues by removing bacteria and plaque buildup.
Even when you brush and floss your teeth daily, you still need routine dental cleanings every six months to remove debris from your teeth and gums.
Parks Family Dentistry offers dental cleaning appointments for adults and children in a relaxed, comfortable office setting.
In addition to cleaning your teeth, Dr. Parks examines your oral health to identify cavities and other issues before they get worse.
Every dental cleaning at Parks Family Dentistry starts with a physical exam of your teeth and gums. Dr. Parks then uses special instruments to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth and around your gum line.
In the next step, Dr. Parks uses a gritty toothpaste to scrub away remaining debris and polish the surface of your teeth. She also uses floss to remove bacteria from between your teeth, which you can’t always reach with a toothbrush.
After you rinse your mouth with water, Dr. Parks applies fluoride on the surface of your teeth to protect against cavities.
If she notices decay or other oral health issues during your cleaning, Dr. Parks discusses which treatments you need and schedules a follow-up appointment.
You can take steps to keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile bright in between cleanings. These steps can include:
You should brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily or after each meal, which helps eliminate cavity-causing bacteria from your teeth and keeps your smile white.
You can enhance your oral health by eating calcium-rich foods like spinach and cheese that strengthen your teeth and jaw. Kids and adults should avoid sugary and acidic foods that weaken tooth enamel.
You may not remove bacteria effectively using a worn-down toothbrush, leading to cavities and gum disease. Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months to optimize the benefits of daily brushing.
Call Parks Family Dentistry today to schedule a dental cleaning for yourself or your family. You can also use the online feature to book an appointment.